Women Inspiring Nevada: Shelley Carrao, Captain, Nevada Highway Patrol, Nevada State Police

Shelley Carrao (Wade Vandervort / Staff)

When she was young, Shelley Carrao’s career path seemed clear: she wanted to help people, so she would become a police officer. Carrao pursued a degree in criminal justice and was introduced to the role of supervised probation, which shifted her perspective on traditional policing. Carrao started as a juvenile probation officer and later transitioned to the Division of Parole and Probation in the Department of Public Safety. Working first with juveniles and then with adults, Carrao came to understand the importance of holistic guidance in helping young people find their way to better futures and in helping adults overcome difficult challenges.

Carrao and her family relocated to Las Vegas in 2001 where she fulfilled her dream of becoming a police officer. She utilized the compassion, adaptability and resilience that she had learned in her previous roles and continued to grow. Carrao earned her master’s degree in justice management in 2011.

Currently, Carrao serves the community as a captain of the Nevada Highway Patrol where she oversees four teams: motors, commercial vehicle, rural and tourism. She volunteers at schools, inspiring young people, especially girls, who are interested in law enforcement. She also fundraises and volunteers with the Special Olympics.

