meet: phase 1 sports, inc.:

Athletic trainer’s message for successful business: Focus on what you can give, not what you can get

Phase 1 Sports owners Mike Waters, left, and Mel Spicer stand on either side as Silvestri Middle School student Mariah Morris works out on a treadmill. Phase 1 helps local athletes go to college and receive scholarships.

Name: Mike Waters

Company: Phase 1 Sports, Inc., a sports training center

Title: President

What’s new with your company?

For the past nine years, we have assisted more than 100 local athletes in attending college and receiving scholarships. We are now expanding into the local community, working with Shade Tree shelter, Big Brothers Big Sisters, New Vista, Fellowship of Christian Athletes and other nonprofits assisting them in their efforts.

What is the best business advice you have received, and who did it come from?

My mentor Anna Siefert at UNLV Business Services told me two things years ago that stay fresh in my mind.

1. Things always change, so don’t be afraid to change with them.

2. Don’t focus on what you can get (money) from people; focus on what you can give. If you do that, you will always be successful.

What challenges do you face doing business here?

Our business is unique, so in our earlier years, it was difficult explaining to people — mainly athletes — why they needed our services. Now, our results show our value and have put us in a very good position, allowing us to continue to grow.

What’s the best part about living in Las Vegas?

The Strip, tourists, and always having something to do 24 hours a day. But I think Vegas doesn’t get enough credit for the quality of family life, community activities and other “normal” things we have that people who don’t live here aren’t aware exist.

If you could change one thing about Las Vegas, what would it be?

Vegas is home to a combination of many nationalities. I would love to see more events, shows, etc., that feature different cultures. Something that would make everyone feel more connected to each other and would share the many different traditions and cultures that are here.

What are you reading right now?

I just finished “Battlefield of the Mind” by Joyce Meyer and just started “Warrior Mindset.” I’m constantly reading something, and I consistently stay in my Bible. It’s a great way to relax and keep the wheels on your brain turning.

What do you do after work?

Most days, I work out, followed by some reading and of course eating a healthy meal. It usually takes two to three hours to unwind, so anything relaxing is good for me.

Blackberry, iPhone or Android?

I’m with team Android right now, but the iPhone5 has been calling me. So we will see what happens. Maybe it will be this year’s Christmas gift to myself.

Describe your management style.

If everyone is doing their job right, I am very laid back. Usually, I’m running around like a kid irritating people and having a good time. But if things are not getting done and we are not meeting our goals, I become the bad guy boss man.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Owning multiple Phase 1 Sports locations around Las Vegas and the country. But most important, being involved in multiple community projects and charitable organizations. Maturity and age has taught me a lot about what we are really here for. At the end of the day, it’s about people and how many you can connect with or help out.

What is your dream job, outside of your current field?

Being a motivational speaker has always been a big interest. Over the years, I have listened to hundreds of them, and it’s crazy how some of them can plant a seed that can change your life. I often imagine how cool it would be to speak in front of thousands and have them walk away better than they were when they walked in and heard me speak.

Whom do you admire and why?

Of course, my parents play a major role, and I admire both of them a lot. There are also a number of people who I have studied and admire, the most dominant being rapper and artist Jay-Z. Born in the projects in 1969, he is now a successful artist, businessman and one of the most influential African-Americans in the world. I’d say that’s worth some admiration.

What is your biggest pet peeve?

The roll of toilet paper not coming over the top and facing down. If it is not facing down, I will literally change it every time.

What is something that people might not know about you?

People often see my more serious side when dealing with me in business. Anyone who is close to me or spends a decent amount of time with me will tell you that I am the biggest kid ever. I’m looking forward to the day when I am married with kids. I’m sure my wife will be putting me and the kids on time-out!
